Escudo de la República de Colombia

Visit Our Laboratory

Our state-of-the-art laboratory is located in the heart of the city, equipped with the latest technology and staffed by a team of experienced professionals.


Our Proud History

LABORATORIO DE TECNOLOGÍA Y DISEÑO DE MATERIALES has been at the forefront of materials science and engineering for over 20 years. Our laboratory has a rich history of innovation, research, and collaboration with leading institutions and industries.

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Our Mission and Vision

Our mission is to be a leading center of excellence in materials science and engineering, driving innovation and advancing the field through cutting-edge research, development, and collaboration.

Our vision is to be the premier destination for materials research, providing our clients and partners with unparalleled expertise, state-of-the-art facilities, and innovative solutions to their most pressing challenges.

Mission and Vision
Quality Policy

Our Quality Policy

At LABORATORIO DE TECNOLOGÍA Y DISEÑO DE MATERIALES, we are committed to delivering the highest quality services and products to our clients. Our quality policy is built on a foundation of continuous improvement, strict adherence to industry standards, and a relentless focus on customer satisfaction.

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Our Services

LABORATORIO DE TECNOLOGÍA Y DISEÑO DE MATERIALES offers a wide range of services to meet the diverse needs of our clients. From materials testing and analysis to product development and prototyping, our team of experts is dedicated to providing innovative solutions that drive success.

Materials Testing

Comprehensive testing and analysis of materials to ensure quality and performance.

Product Development

Collaborative design and prototyping services to bring your ideas to life.


Expert advice and guidance on materials selection, process optimization, and more.


Comprehensive training programs to upskill your team and stay ahead of the curve.

Our Services

Get in Touch

Have a question or want to learn more about our services? Don't hesitate to reach out to our team. We're here to help.

Contact Us

Our Workspaces

Our state-of-the-art laboratory features a range of specialized workspaces designed to support our research and development activities. From materials testing facilities to advanced prototyping labs, our spaces are equipped with the latest technologies and tools to ensure the highest quality results.

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Meet Our Team

Our team of experts is the backbone of LABORATORIO DE TECNOLOGÍA Y DISEÑO DE MATERIALES. With years of experience in materials science and engineering, they are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of innovation and delivering exceptional results for our clients.