Escudo de la República de Colombia

Between November 7 and 12, 2021, a team of researchers and professionals from the National University of Colombia, in Palmira and Medellin, and the University of Cauca visited the municipality of Guapi, Cauca to continue the development of two projects that are being carried out in this territory on the sustainability of artisanal fisheries.


Segunda salida Guapi 7


Among the activities carried out during this visit, there were different meetings with three fishing associations founded in the municipality: the Association of Fishing Services of Artisanal Fishermen of Guapi (Aservipesca), the Fishermen's Association Renacer Guapireño, and the Association Nueva Bellavista of the indigenous community Eperara Siapidara. There was also an activity with young people from the San Pedro and San Pablo Educational Institution and several meetings with women involved in fish preparation and consumption processes. 


It is worth mentioning that two projects are currently being developed in the territory, with the first being on the appreciation of traditional knowledge associated with artisanal fishing, financed with resources from Solidarity Extension of the National University of Colombia. The second project is called "Econavipesca of the Pacific: Ecosystem for sustainable fishing navigation in the municipality of Guapi, Cauca" carried out in association with the University of Cauca and the Universities of Lund and KTH of Sweden and financed by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).