Escudo de la República de Colombia

Econavipesca of the Pacific: Ecosystem for sustainable fishing navigation in the municipality of Guapi, Cauca


The National University of Colombia, the University of Cauca, together with the Swedish universities of Lund and KTH, in collaboration with three artisanal fishing associations in the municipality of Guapi, Cauca: Asociación de Servicios Pesqueros de Pescadores Artesanales de Guapi (Aservipesca), Asociación Renacer Progresista Guapireño, and Asociación Nueva Bellavista of the Eperara Siapidara indigenous community, in agreement with the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency - SIDA, lead the project Econavipesca of the Pacific. This is an initiative which seeks, through co-creation methodologies based on the exchange of knowledge between academia and the community, to develop a sustainable fishing system for the fisheries chain in the municipality of Guapi, Cauca, with the aim of reducing dependency on fossil fuels that currently generate significant expenses for fishing operations and have a negative impact on the environment.


Guapi proyecto

Participatory activity with fishing associations and the local community. Photography: Jose Vecino, 2021.



General Objective

Strengthen and develop the communal ecosystem's potential for self-efficiency through the design of a sustainable fishing model, under open innovation and co-creation methodologies, to reduce the environmental and economic impact generated by the existing fossil fuel system.


Specific Objectives

- Develop a sustainable model associated with the value chain of artisanal fishing in Guapi through the characterization of socioeconomic and environmental factors of the ecosystem.

- Design and build a functional prototype of a hybrid-powered boat in line with the designed sustainable fishing model

- Propose a business plan articulated to social enterprises, strengthening the proposed sustainable fishing model


Objetivos proyecto

Outline of Specific Objectives. Lesly Quevedo, 2021.


The project Econavipesca of the Pacific employs co-creation dynamics and methodologies based on a horizontal and respectful communication between the community's wisdom and their experience with scientific and academic knowledge. Establishing a relationship with the territory and its inhabitants aims to generate solutions that, in accordance with the project's objectives, arise from the active and conscious participation of the community in the proposed activities, generating appropriation and empowerment by turning local actors into the protagonists of social change regarding the identified problems.

The autonomy, interdependence, empowerment, and appropriation of the processes by the community are fundamental elements in any project that seeks to be sustainable and thus, last over time.


Guapi proyecto

Meeting with the Eperara Siapidara community. Alfredo Valderruten, 2021.