Escudo de la República de Colombia
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Faced with the panorama of the city, it is necessary to characterize each of the elements that participate in vehicular traffic, as well as to integrate them through a mathematical model, in order to obtain an approximation to the real dynamics of the system. The development of this project aims, then, to solve the mobility problems of the city of Medellín by reducing the length of time users spend on the road. To achieve this goal, the aim is to address the problem of traffic from the multimodal point of view, understood as a system in whose intersections vehicles, motorcycles, articulated vehicles, people and, in some cases, bicycles can interact; by coordinating different types of traffic lights (isolated, monomodal and multimodal). This coordination is based on the solution of optimization problems whose communication structure can be of a hierarchical or distributed type (a centralized communication structure is not considered as a valid option due to the type of escalation in the traffic systems)


General objective:

Develop, validate and simulate urban traffic models that describe the interaction between the different actors involved in vehicular traffic (people, vehicles, and articulated vehicles), which are useful for the development of urban traffic monitoring and control strategies within a framework multimodal reference (different forms of transport interacting with each other).

Specific objectives:

  • To develop tools that allow simulating in multiple machines and in a parallel and interconnected way complex networks and complete corridors of the city
  • To refine the multiobjective criteria of traffic management including (reduction of emissions, waiting times, maximization of mobility of individuals, maximization of vehicle mobility, etc.
  • To integrate the models of the different modes of transport into a single simulation platform
  • To validate and refine the proposed models (pedestrians, bicycles and articulated)
  • To improve the integration mechanisms of various information systems to streamline the creation of simulation scenarios
  • To validate hierarchically and distributedly the traffic control methods in more extensive networks
  • To develop methods to simplify the results of the microscopic simulation to develop agile simulation methods for design