Escudo de la República de Colombia

Bioprocess and Reactive flows 


BIOFRUN involves 7 faculty, 20 graduate students and around 20 undergraduates in the areas of chemical, mechanical and petroleum engineering and conducts research in the following areas: conversion of biomass to fine chemicals and liquid fuels, characterization of reactive flows and particulate materials with laser techniques and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), In Situ Combustion for enhanced oil recovery and process intensification applied to refinery equipment to improve performance. The activities of the research group are coordinated through the LABORATORIO DE BIOPROCESOS Y FLUJOS REACTIVOS 



Laboratorio Bioprocesos y Flujos Reactivos
Facultad de Minas Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Medellín
Car. 80 No. 65-223 Núcleo Robledo Of: M7-303

icnphone (+57 4) 425 5340

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