Escudo de la República de Colombia
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The Modeling and Control of Urban Traffic project in the city of Medellin (MOYCOT) is a research initiative that has the support of Colciencias. Since 2013, the project has had three stages:

  • MOYCOT - First Stage (2013 - 2015): Colciencias Project 111856934640, contract 941-2012: Modeling and Control of urban traffic in the city of Medellín, call 569.
  • MOYCOT - Second Stage (2015 - 2017): Colciencias Project 111856934640, contract - FP44842-202-2015: Modeling and Control of urban traffic in the city of Medellin Phase 2, convocation 669. Reduction of vehicular emissions through the modeling and optimal management of traffic in metropolitan areas- Case Medellín - Valle de Aburrá Metropolitan Area (2017 - 2019) 
  • MOYCOT - Third Stage (2017 - 2019): Reduction of vehicle emissions through modeling and optimal traffic management in metropolitan areas- Medellín Case - Valle de Aburrá Metropolitan Area, call 745 for CTeI projects and their contribution to the country's challenges - 2016

This project aims to increase mobility and reduce congestion in a multimodal traffic system, understood as a system in whose intersections vehicles, motorcycles, articulated vehicles, people and, in some cases, bicycles can interact; by coordinating different types of traffic lights (isolated, monomodal and multimodal). This coordination is based on the solution of optimization problems whose communication structure can be of a hierarchical or distributed type (a centralized communication structure is not considered as a valid option due to the type of escalation in traffic systems).