Escudo de la República de Colombia
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In November 13ª 2016 was celebrated the  "2016 Student Awards Ceremony" , as part of the "2016 Annual Student Conference" organized by the AIChE in San Francisco, CA. Our student chapter AIChE of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín, received a recognition in The Outstanding Student Chapter Award category that try to recognize the students chapters which shows an exceptional level of participation, enthusiasm, quality, professionalism and involving in the community and the university.

In the ceremony were present Cristian Beltrán the subdirector and Alejandro Molina a teacher, whose receives the prize on behalf of the Medellín AIChE Student Chapter of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


The outstanding 33

From left to right: Alejandro Molina professor of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín, Cristian Beltrán the subdirector of the Medellín AIChE Student Chapter of the Universidad Nacional, and the Ryan Toomey professor of the University of South Florida.


The outstanding 1

Price given to recognize the AIChE Student Chapterof the Universidad Nacional  Medellín. 


This price was given to us together to an other 23 AIChE students chapters, which was one of our sister chapter: the AIChE Student Chapter of University of Michigan (view picture).


The outstanding 2

The AIChE Student Chapter de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia sede Medellín  members together with his advisor Alejandro Molina professor and AIChE Student Chapter de University of Michiga together with his advisor Scott Fogler professor, in the 2016 Annual Student Conference in San Francisco, CA.


What is more Mario Franco, logistic and welfare AIChE Student Chapter`s director of the   Universidad Nacional sede Medellín, was supported by the Freshman Recognition Award to attend the 2016 Annual Student Conference as recognition of his compromise with the student chapter, during his first year studies in the Chemical Engineering career.

Besides for the 2016 Annual Student Conference, our student chapter with the  Purdue University and the University of Michigan chapters, realized a workshop about foster the relationships between the sister chapters (view picture).


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Workshop during the 2016 Annual Student Conference, in the picture the members of the Purdue University y University of Michigan students chapters


To know more about the 2016 Student Awards Ceremony click here and to know more about the 2016 Annual Student Conference click here